Teaching Assistant Experiences
I was a teaching assistant for several courses during my PhD at Caltech.
EE 126A: Information Theory (2017-2020)
Instructor: Prof. Effros. Topic: An introduction-level course on information theory. Target: Undergrads and Grads.
As the TAs, we helped Prof. Effros prepare the exam problems.
EE 126B: Network Information Theory (2017-2020)
Instructor: Prof. Effros. Topic: A second course on information theory focusing on multiple-access source and channel coding. Target: Grads.
As the TAs, we helped Prof. Effros prepare the exam problems.
EE 127: Error Correcting Codes (2020, 2022)
Instructor: Prof. Kostina. Topic: Linear codes, such as Hamming, Reed-Muller, and Polar codes; algebraic block codes, such as Reed-Solomon and BCH codes, including a self-contained introduction to the theory of finite fields; and low-density parity-check codes. Target: Undergrads and Grads.
EE 160: Fundamentals of Information Transmission and Storage (2021)
Instructor: Prof. Kostina. Topic: Basics of information theory: entropy, mutual information, source and channel coding theorems. Target: Undergrads and Grads.
EE 167: Introduction to Data Compression and Storage (2019)
Instructor: Prof. Kostina. Topic: Basic principles and techniques of codes for data compression and storage. Target: Undergrads and Grads.
EE 120: Topics in Information Theory (2018)
Instructor: Prof. Kostina. Topic: Finite-blocklength information theory. Target: Grads.
EE 55: Mathematics of Electrical Engineering (2021)
Instructor: Prof. Kostina. Topic: An introductory course to linear algebra and probability. Target: Sophomores.
This course was newly designed at that time. I helped Prof. Kostina make several changes in the course content and homework/exam problems.